Sunday, June 13, 2010

what is showing

Recently in May and June we have been showing pieces for informal panels for Forward 5 of Dance/MetroDC and for 2010 Source Festival "Artistic Blind Dates." It has been productive and insightful making me think differently about motivations, and thinking about how very significant additions to pieces, may come about as solutions that perhaps don't make sense - and you have a feeling they don't make sense but you go ahead anyway with something that is really not what you are trying to get at. How do I resolve the music "issue" when I don't have a composer, or a solution for making sound? How can I step back from what I'm doing when there is time pressure, difficulties with getting people together and not enough time to not worry about time? I don't have any answers to that, but these showings have been a very honest and meaningful way to have pieces viewed and have some sort of discussion about them. I can't help but think that pieces that have been 'finished' always need reinvigorating or that performers that have been doing the same role for a while, constantly need the sort of feedback that will keep them interested and invested rather than just going through the motions.
(above Peg Schaefer and son Eliot from "Married Girl")

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